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Stop Over: Woodstock, Ontario

Stop Over: Woodstock, Ontario

We chose a community called Woodstock, Ontario as the stopover point on our way home. This little community is about seventy miles west of Toronto and put us in a good position to wrap up our drive home the next morning.

By luck, it turns out that the main street through Woodstock is called Finkle Street and the best rated restaurant in town is the Finkle Street Tap & Grille.

 We won’t begrudge the spelling technicality!

So, we wrapped up this grand adventure with Five Finkel’s having their final meal at the Finkle Tap on Finkle Street!

I ate the Finkle Club and Eli had a Finkle martini and we had a pretty good time with the whole thing.

And, that’s all she wrote…another great year in the books! No solid plans yet for 2024, so we’ll just savor the three exceptional experiences we’ve had exploring North America as a family in a camper.

Stop Over: Montreal

Stop Over: Montreal