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Nova Scotia's Southeastern Shore

Nova Scotia's Southeastern Shore

In the summer months, there is a convenient, but expensive, high-speed ferry that runs from Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. I booked fare for all forty-one feet of us (front of car to rear of trailer) to save about twelve hours of driving and for the fun of the experience.

It was a smooth and easy (if slightly seasick inducing) experience that included spotting a family of Orcas swimming by, and we rolled into the Campers Haven in Yarmouth right around dinner time.

The next morning, eager to explore, we drove up the southeastern shore of Nova Scotia, stopping in uber-cute Unesco Heritage town, Lunenberg, for lunch, and continuing to the Peggy’s Cove preservation area, south of Halifax. This area features the most famous lighthouse in Nova Scotia and a beautiful rocky shoreline that my two self-proclaimed mountain-goat children (and flip-flop clad husband) had fun exploring.

We had dinner at a little waterfront lobstah spot where I ate another lobster roll, despite my better judgment and my stomach’s protests.

Our campsite is known for beautiful sunsets, but I wasn’t able to score a waterfront campsite here either (that’s 0 for 2…what’s a girl gotta do?) But, we were able to make a fire and roast some s’mores in a different spot and I’d say we did okay in the end…

We got ourselves ready for a big drive the next morning to the jewel of this journey – Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia

Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia

Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor, Maine

Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor, Maine